Blog & News

Be always up to date with our HBS-Blog!


Alex Heinzel

Interview with Alex Heinzel

10 facts about Alex. 💡

Amelie Burghart & Jenny Mittenzwei

Completion of the working student program

Amelie is completing her working student program in the marketing department today and would like to share a few impressions with you. 🤗

Interview Praktikantin Lara

Interview with Lara

10 facts about our intern Lara. 💡

Completion of the apprenticeship

Completion of the apprenticeship

Chris has passed his final exam! 🎉

Tong Bao

Interview with Tong Bao

10 facts about Tong. 💡

Jacqueline Kellner

Interview with Jacqueline Kellner

10 facts about Jacqueline. 💡

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

Surprise visit from Santa Claus 🎅

Dominic Falticsca

Interview with Dominic Falticsca

10 facts about Dominic. 💡

Conny Egenberger

Interview with Conny Egenberger

10 facts about Conny. 💡

Wolfgang Langhans

Interview with Wolfgang Langhans

10 facts about Wolfgang. 💡

Michael Fröschl

Interview with Michael Fröschl

10 facts about Michael. 💡

Felix Friedl

Interview with Felix Friedl

10 facts about Felix. 💡

Dachauer Volksfest

Dachauer Volksfest

We were at the "Dachauer Volksfest" again. 🥳

Rainer Klose

Interview with Rainer Klose

10 facts about Rainer. 💡

Good Bye Sepp

Good Bye Sepp!

We said goodbye to our long-time employee Sepp. 👋

Daniel Callsen

Interview with Daniel Callsen

10 facts about Daniel. 💡

Easter Search 2023

Easter Search 2023

Everyone got a small gift for Easter which they got to search in our warehouse.

Welcome Dominic!

New HBS team member!

Welcome to the team Dominic!

Welcome Martina!

Welcome Martina!

Welcome to the team Martina!

Anja Bloch & Lisa Kiermeier

Final exams passed!

Congratulations to Lisa on completing her graduation!

gift delivery

World Cup prediction game winner

Today Ronald was given a present for his victory in the World Cup betting game!


Christmas Excursion

On 23.12.2022 we headed to the Spitzingsee.

Christmas bags

Christmas presents

Yesterday all employees and our office dog Lucky got gift bags. 🎁

the three nicholas

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

We wish you a chocolaty St. Nicholas Day! 🎅🏻

Inga and Conny

Support for the HBS team

Two new employees on board. 🤗

Amelie Burghart

Recruitment in the marketing team

Our new working student in the marketing team. 💪🏻

Chris Natter

Interview with Chris Natter

10 facts about Chris. 💡

Sergej Denysiuk

Interview with Sergej Denysiuk

10 facts about Sergej. 💡

Eva Doms

Interview with Eva Doms

10 facts about Eva. 💡

Christian Ableitner

Interview with Christian Ableitner

10 facts about Christian. 💡

Brigitte Wings

Interview with Brigitte Wings

10 facts about Brigitte alias Gitti. 💡

Daniel Schandlbauer

Interview with Daniel Schandlbauer

10 facts about Dan. 💡

Franzi Fiedel

Interview with Franzi Fiedel

10 facts about Franzi. 💡

Ronald Klier

Interview with Ronald Klier

10 facts about Ronald. 💡

Jenny Mittenzwei

Interview with Jenny Mittenzwei

10 facts about Jenny. 💡

Dennis Schwarz

Interview with Dennis Schwarz

10 facts about Dennis. 💡


Interview with Anja Bloch

10 facts about our Coach. 💡

Herr Gröger

Interview with Mr. Gröger

10 facts about our CEO. 💡

Wine on ice

Kick-Off Event 2020

HBS celebrates the start of the new year with a relaxed get-together and lots of delicious food!

KKL Event

KKL Group Event

Thanks to all D.W. Renzmann colleagues for the great KKL group event.

Meeting Firstalm

Half-year meeting at the Firstalm

On our way to the Firstalm, where our strategy meeting took place this year.

new year 2019

Kick-Off Event 2019

HBS celebrates the start of the new year!

Company run

Company Run

HBS took part on the company run in Dachau. It was a great fun. Thanks to all.



The HBS leadership team sends greetings from Germany´s highest peak, the Zugspitze.

Kick Off

Kick off event 2018

A big thank you to our cool boss for the awesome 2018 kick-off event held at the Obere Firstalm!