Inter­view with Den­nis Schwarz

How long have you been working for HBS?
In September it will be 8 years.

What are your tasks?
80 % warehouse & logistics, 20 % EDP & marketing

Year of birth?
France became soccer world champion in St. Denis.

Crazy or sensible?
It's all in the mix. 🤪

Movie or series?
Series - White Collar 👨💼

Nutella with or without butter?
Definitely without. 🧈

Long or short pants?
There are long pants?? 😨

Burger or pizza?
Schnitzel 😍

Second adopted country?
California USA 🇺🇸

What do you associate with the three letters HBS?
H- erausferderung (challenge) 🔨
B-ayern (Bavaria) 🥨
S-uperteam (best team)💪

Dennis Schwarz
Alex Heinzel

Interview with Alex Heinzel

10 facts about Alex. 💡

Amelie Burghart & Jenny Mittenzwei

Completion of the working student program

Amelie is completing her working student program in the marketing department today and would like to share a few impressions with you. 🤗

Interview Praktikantin Lara

Interview with Lara

10 facts about our intern Lara. 💡

Completion of the apprenticeship

Completion of the apprenticeship

Chris has passed his final exam! 🎉